Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Are the Real Health Benefits of Organic Food

You come across continually more and more about the so called benefits of eating chemical absent or organic food as opposed to GM food. While some studies have stated that there is only a slight difference in the nutrient content of GM food and chemical and non GM food. a lot of us know all too well this is not the case.

If you look into some of the fundamental differences between the two types, common sense will be all you need to make you own mind up. The fact is that there is a lot more benefit to be derived from eating organic food as opposed to its inferior counterpart.

For a start, the institution of artificial fertilization now associated with today's conventional methods of creating mass produce, would show that the food is grown with more water, this gives way to a quicker growth rate and an artificial shop front appearance that seems to good to be true. Just take a look at all the hundreds of perfect vegetables in your local super store and you will know it is not possible, veg can ever look so uniformly perfect. More to the point, non GM vegetables have what is known as more "dry matter" this means that it is actually built of more food substance and less water. This will go towards making up more of your daily allowance of minerals and vitamins.

Another bonus for eating organic vegetables is the larger number of phytonutrients. These are life enhancing antioxidants that are part of the plant, as a defence against harmful chemicals and pesticides while it is growing. It it comes as no suprise that a plant allowed to grow without pesticides and chemicals will have a lot more of its natural defences (pyhtonutrients) intact, as a result of which will be passed on to you as you ingest them.